Thanks for this article. What would be your first recommendations for a webpage, app, or book for a low-rated player like me to start studying? Do you have any opinions on that? On Lichess, my Rapid rating is now around 1400–1500.
Thank you! Out of the resources from this article I’d recommend to start from Kostya’s Chessable course “Endgame studies 101”. You will definitely be able to solve some of the studies from that course and learn nice tactics and tricks along the way!
Thanks, I was wrestling with two of the positions in your article last night. Now the positions of them are like burnt in my brain. I can not forget them :) I see them when I close my eyes.
I think I solved the position with the bishop. But I have not check it with computer. I have not solve the other with the rook and the knight. Going to get the course on chessable later this week.
Excellent Ivan - thanks a lot! I’d totally forgotten about Ramesh’s claim about solving studies for 3-4 hours.
Now to find 3-4 hours a day …. Hope you have a great 2025!
Please let me know how it goes :) Thank you, Bob, happy holidays!
A fantastic write up. Great post.
Thanks for this article. What would be your first recommendations for a webpage, app, or book for a low-rated player like me to start studying? Do you have any opinions on that? On Lichess, my Rapid rating is now around 1400–1500.
Thank you! Out of the resources from this article I’d recommend to start from Kostya’s Chessable course “Endgame studies 101”. You will definitely be able to solve some of the studies from that course and learn nice tactics and tricks along the way!
Thanks, I was wrestling with two of the positions in your article last night. Now the positions of them are like burnt in my brain. I can not forget them :) I see them when I close my eyes.
Haha, nice! Which ones have you tried?
It was the positions you showed from “Endgame Studies 101” Chessable course by IM Kostya Kavutskiy
Have you managed to make some progress on those? If not, it will become easier once you get through the examples and topical exercises in the course.
I think I solved the position with the bishop. But I have not check it with computer. I have not solve the other with the rook and the knight. Going to get the course on chessable later this week.
Thanks for the great resource recommendations. Happy new year to you.
Thank you! Happy holidays!
What an incredible collection of resources! Amazing work - thank you for sharing
Wow, what an amazing post! This info is appreciated and will not go without use.