Well written post. Chessable is really a top notch platform. I have Pro and one of my favorite features is the Difficult Moves messages. Gives me an opportunity to go into more difficult variations and spend more time with them.

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Yeah, that sounds useful, but I don't quite understand how it works. If I get in "Difficult moves" section it just shows me the whole variations -- that may well be 15-20 moves long -- and not exact moves where I'm making mistakes. And then there is a button "Overstudy" next to them -- if I click that, it again just makes me study the whole line. I don't see a way to actually find the moves that I often misplay (nor any statistics for them, say, "played 3 times correctly, 2 times wrong").

It looks to me more like "Difficult lines" rather than "Difficult moves", if I understand correctly.

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I just click on that difficult moves icon and go through the lines to learn. It helps for me.

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Aha, I think I've found what I wanted! When you click on that Difficult Moves icon -- it opens a list of variations. Then you can click on the header of any variation and it brings you to the whole page dedicated to that variation -- it shows the course text and moves. And when you click through the moves, on every move there is a section "Your difficult moves" below where it shows something "Ne6: 1 time" (which means that I once played Ne6 there instead of the correct move in this position). Also, there is "All difficult moves" section which is quite interesting and shows all the other people mistakes. I can see that "Ne6: 197 times" as the most common mistake (the same as mine). It's interesting (and potentially instructive) to see what kind of mistakes people are making. So now I know exactly which moves are problematic for me and others. Just learnt something new today! :D

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Happy to have helped lead you to that area even if it were indirectly. Whooo!

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I’ve discovered one more way of looking at Difficult Moves which is even better! It’s “Tools → Difficult Moves” and then all the moves along with useful statistics are presented as positions in a nice table!

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